Recent Publications

  1. Haruvy, E. E., & Popkowski Leszczyc, P. T. (2024). Social media and nonprofit fundraising: the influence of Facebook likes. European Journal of Marketing, 58(1), 33-65.
  2. Briesch, R., Haruvy, E., Voss, G. B., & Giraud Voss, Z. (2024). The countervailing effects of spatial competition in the performing arts: examining local versus traded market performance. Journal of Cultural Economics, 1-48. (shareable link:
  3. Gonzalez-Arcos, C., Meath, C., Leszczyc, P.P., Haruvy, E., and An, J. (2023). Fostering sustainable investments through micro-investing platforms. Nature: Scientific Reports 13, 21194.
  4. Haruvy, E., Nia, M. H., Özer, Ö., & Şimşek, A. S. (2023). The Winner’s Curse in Dynamic Forecasting of Auction Data: Empirical Evidence from eBay. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25(3), 1155-1175.
  5. Haruvy, E., Heinrich, T., & Walker, M. J. (2022). Separating probability weighting and risk aversion in first-price auctions. Economics Letters, 221, 110891.
  6. Lim, B., Xie, Y., & Haruvy, E. (2022). The impact of mobile app adoption on physical and online channels. Journal of Retailing, 98(3), 453-470.
  7. Haruvy, E. and Y. Roth (2022), On the Impact of an Intermediary Agent in the Ultimatum Game, Games, 13(3), 43.
  8. Haruvy, E. and P.T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2022). A Study of Incentives in Charitable Fundraising, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 56 (1), 283-317.
  9. Zhang, Z., Haruvy, E., & Leszczyc, P. T. P. (2022). On The Reference Point Effect of Reserve and Buy It Now Prices. Journal of Retailing, 98(2), 356-372.
  10. Haruvy, E., Lim, B. & Leszczyc, P.T.L.P. (2021) The effect of surcharge on price in online auctions. Electronic Commerce Research,
  11. Haruvy, E., Katok, E., V. Pavlov (2020). Bargaining Process and Channel Efficiency, Management Science 66(7), 2845-2860,
  12. Haruvy, Ernan, Peter Popkowski Leszczyc, Greg Allenby, Russell Belk, Catherine Eckel, Robert Fisher, Sherry Xin Li, John A. List, Yu Ma, and Yu Wang. (2020). "Fundraising design: key issues, unifying framework, and open puzzles." Marketing Letters31, no. 4, 371-380. (shareable link:
  13. Haruvy, E. (2019) On the importance of relative payoffs in two-sided matching, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 175(1), 58-85.
  14. Haruvy, E., Katok, E., Ma, Z., & Sethi, S. (2019). Relationship-specific investment and hold-up problems in supply chains: theory and experiments. Business Research, 12 (1), 45-74. (shareable link:
  15. Ariely, D., Gneezy, U., & Haruvy, E. (2018). Social norms and the price of zero. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 28(2), 180-191.
  16. Haruvy, Ernan and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2018) A Study of Bidding Behavior in Voluntary-Pay Philanthropic Auctions. Journal of Marketing: May 2018, Vol. 82, No. 3, pp. 124-141.
  17. Spann, M., Zeithammer, R., Bertini, M., Haruvy, E., Jap, S. D., Koenigsberg, O., Mak, P. Popkowski Leszczyc, B. Skiera,  & Thomas, M. (2018). Beyond Posted Prices: the Past, Present, and Future of Participative Pricing Mechanisms. Customer Needs and Solutions, 5(1-2), 121-136.
  18. Haruvy, E. E., Ioannou, C. A., & Golshirazi, F. (2018). The Religious Observance of Ramadan and Prosocial Behavior. Economic Inquiry, 56(1), 226-237.
  19. Haruvy, E., Li, S. X., McCabe, K., & Twieg, P. (2017). Communication and visibility in public goods provision. Games and Economic Behavior, 105, 276-296.
  20. Ert, E. and Haruvy, E. (2017), Revisiting risk aversion: Can risk preferences change with experience? Economics Letters 151, C, 91-95.
  21. Fiedler, M. and E. Haruvy (2017). Third Party Intervention in the Trust Game. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 67 65–74.
  22. Luria, A., I. Erev and E. Haruvy (2017), The reinforcing value of lottery tickets, and the synergetic effect of distinct reinforcements, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 30: 533
  23. Haruvy, E. (2016), "Experimental Economics in Marketing", Foundations and Trends® in Marketing 9(4), 267-336.
  24. Haruvy, E, T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2016), Measuring the Impact of Price Guarantees on Bidding in Consumer Online Auctions, Journal of Retailing, 92(1), 96-108.
  25. Haruvy, E, T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2015), The Loser’s Bliss in Auctions with Price Externality, Games 6(3), 191-213.
  26. Brandts, J. E. Fatas, E. Haruvy, F. Lagos (2015). The Impact of Relative Position, Prices of Sacrifice and Reciprocity: An Experimental Study using Individual Decisions, Social Choice and Welfare. 45(3), pp 489-511
  27. Haruvy, E, T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc and Y. Ma (2014) Does higher transparency lead to more search in Online Auctions? Production and Operations Management 23(2), 197-209
  28. Haruvy, E., C. N. Noussair, and O. Powell (2014), The impact of asset repurchases and issues in an experimental market, Review of Finance 18(2), 681-713.
  29. Füllbrunn, S. and E. Haruvy (2014), The Takeover Game, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 1, 85–98
  30. Fatas, E., E. Haruvy and A. J. Morales (2014). A psychological re-examination of the Bertrand paradox, Southern Economic Journal. 80(4), 948-967.
  31. Wang, Y., C. Zamudio, and E. Haruvy (2013), Human Brands and Mutual Choices: An Investigation of the Marketing Assistant Professor Job Market, of the Academy of Marketing Science 41, 722-736.
  32. Haruvy, E., & Jap, S. D. (2013). Differentiated bidders and bidding behavior in procurement auctions. Journal of Marketing Research, 50(2), 241-258.
  33. Wang, Y. and E. Haruvy (2013) Tiers in One-sided Matching Markets: Theory and Experimental Investigation, Management Science 59(6), 1458–1477.
  34. Haruvy, E., D. Miao, and K. E. Stecke (2013), Various Strategies to Handle Cannibalization in a Competitive Duopolistic Market, International Transactions in Operational Research 20(2), 155-188.
  35. Haruvy, E. and E. Katok (2013), Increasing Revenue by Decreasing Information in Procurement Auctions, Production and Operations Management 22(1), 19–35.
  36. Haruvy, E., T. Li, S. Sethi (2012), Two-Stage Pricing for Custom-Made Products, European Journal of Operational Research 219(2), 405–414.
  37. Schoenberg, Eric, and Ernan Haruvy (2012). "Relative Performance Information in Asset Markets: An Experimental Approach." Journal of Economic Psychology 33, 1143-1155.
  38. Haruvy, E. and D. Stahl (2012), Between-Game Rule Learning in Dissimilar Symmetric Normal-Form Games, Games & Economic Behavior 74, 208-221.
  39. Haruvy, E. (2011), Challenges and Opportunities in Economics Experiments in Virtual Worlds, Southern Economic Journal 78(1), 1-5.
  40. Harrison, G., Haruvy, E., and E. Rutstrom (2011), Remarks on Virtual World and Virtual Reality Experiments, Southern Economic Journal 78(1), 87-94.
  41. Fiedler, M., E. Haruvy and S. Li (2011), Social distance in a virtual world experiment, Games and Economic Behavior 72(2), 400-426.
  42. Chakravarty, S., G. Harrison, E. Haruvy, E. Rutstrom (2011), Are You Risk Averse over Other People’s Money? Southern Econ Journal 77(4), 901-913.
  43. Li, S., K. Dogan, E. Haruvy (2011), Group Identity in Markets, International Journal of Industrial Organization 29(1), 104-115.
  44. Ben Zion, U., I. Erev, E. Haruvy and T. Shavit (2010), Adaptive Behavior Leads to Under-diversification, of Economic Psychology 31, 985-995.
  45. Haruvy, E. and P. T. L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2010), Search and Choice in Online Consumer Auctions, Marketing Science 29(6) 1152-1164.

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